The name of this site is derived from an Albert Schweitzer quote: "I am life that wills to live in the midst of life that wills to live."  As an ardent Vegan, this statement speaks volumes to me about the sanctity of life and the need to protect it by any means possible.  We are all born with certain freedoms, including the freedom of choice.  One could say that we are defined by how we choose to exercise this particular freedom.  I have chosen to follow my conscience and continually strive to be a better citizen of planet Earth.  I am by no means perfect, but perfection is a quest and not a destination.

As one begins to recognize and cherish the precious nature of the life that surrounds them, it is impossible not to look at your own life differently.  For me, it began by realizing that I was squandering this most special of gifts and not looking for who I was and what I was meant to be.  During the last year, I have endeavored to answer those questions and I have become closer than ever to realizing my potential as I immersed myself in things that I love.    The Germans have a word for this; Funktionslust.  It is the pleasure that can be derived from doing what you were meant to do. 

My pleasure is derived from respecting my fellow creatures and their will to live and from trying to make a difference in my world.  We can all make an immeasurable difference once we recognize that we are actually in control and stop ceding that power to other people.  The power that people can wield though their influence and their compassion is overwhelming.

If you have stumbled on this page, I hope that you take some time to read my story and to reflect on your own life so that you can begin to make a change.  Thank you.

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This page was last updated: January 31, 2014